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About LoveThisHat

  • Rank
    Fresh Meat

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  1. Is there/ has there ever been/ will there be a list of dealers for the artists alley? I can't find one. I, personally, would thoroughly enjoy a list. Especially at 2:45 Sunday afternoon when all of the artists have run out of business cards and their names are barely legible on the awesome art they sold :/ And I apologize if I posted this in the wrong area. I do that.
  2. Sleep is for the weak! That said.. I'm having a hard time sleeping too.. With a full days schedule tomorrow.. Guess it's an all-nighter/ dayer for this Otakon goer
  3. Agreed. New questiona arise: How do men define a connection? How do women define a connection? How does one "make" a new connection? How do we increase the frequency of new connections? (Naturally and unnaturally occurring) Off tangent questions: -What are somethings women are naturally interested in? (Could be non dating also) -Is wearing a sticker saying that your single and looking tacky? -A friend of mine (female) said she posted a dating add on craigslist and gets flooded with real requests from real men. When I post a request, all I get is manipulative heartbreakin
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