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Everything posted by Yhette

  1. Lovely convention you guys had today. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was amusing to see the school tours going on at the same time with a bunch of us doing crazy ---- around them. Only downfall is the self awareness that I dropped the ball with atleast 2 females there.
  2. In the middle of? Utena (until I see the last episode anyway) Beserk (can never get ahold of the rest of the dvds) Gundam 0083 (could never find the last 4 episodes to finish it out) Elfen Leid Black Blood Brothers (dvr and an anime channel are great) Ninja Nonsense (again, yay DVRs) I doubt Naruto counts as I'm just waiting for THIS weeks manga to come out and so on and so forth Oh yeah, King of Hell and Ragnarok even though they are TECHNICALLY manwha and Raganrok I believe isn't being done anymore
  3. Wow, makes me wish I had walked about the artist alley more than I actually did. I may actually have to put some kind of effort into going up to towson without legends as a reason now.
  4. Wow, thats just...wow! The only ones that'd probably stand a chance would be the gamer or the quiet /a/ lurker. I would have to fight to urge to headbutt most of the others. Although the violence loving super-dyke looks like a girl I barrelled over in a pit a few weeks ago.
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