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Katty Hooves

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About Katty Hooves

  • Rank
    Otaku In Training

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  • Interests
    Anime, Doctor Who, Sailor Moon

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  1. That's why it's called "Time Skipping"!
  2. I think that this will be a NO-CON year. Better to be safe than sorry. Some people can carry the virus without being sick & showing no symptoms. Plus the virus may return more potent in the fall & winter.
  3. Despite a tight budget, I'll still find a way to afford Otakon!! I make it part of my week's vacation.
  4. I can't wait for the Phillies to anhilate the Tampa Bay Minnows!
  5. I was sitting at the Gaia event Friday, when a kindly stranger tapped me on my shoulder & handed me my wallet that had popped out of my back pocket. Though I didn't have much cash in it, it did have my state id & credit cards which would have been a pain to replace. So again I'd like to thank that stranger for saving me from a big hassle to get that stuff replaced!!
  6. I saw a lot of Jokers too, but it was nice to see Sailor Moon cosplays make a big comeback this year!
  7. I caught the #3 bus from Parkville at 3:50 pm, arrived at the Convention Center at 4:45 & got in line. Picked up my badge at 5:30 pm, walked to Harbourplace, got a soda, caught the #3 bus back to Parkville at 6pm, got home at 6:45. Kudos to the staffers at registration for being fast & efficent. This was the shortest wait ever!! See ya all tomorrow!!
  8. I plan to get there about 5 pm. Plenty of time I think.
  9. Well for my own security, I wear pants that have five or six pockets. I split my money, putting some in each of my boots, some in my sling, then the remainder in the several pockets in my cargo pants. I never put my wallet or money in my back pants pockets. This way should one pocket get picked, I'm not out of money.
  10. Ah there's a gazillion bars to party at in the Baltimore area. Either Budweiser & or Crown Royal/Coke is my party drink of choise.
  11. I've always put in for my vacation three months before Otakon so there's no last minute issues. My week off begins on Thursday, August 7 & ends on Thursday, August 14 so I have a couple days to relax after Otakon's over.
  12. I'm taking the number eight bus all the way from Parkville!
  13. Well my budget is 5K. I usually come home with 3.5 to 4K, but if there's some really rare stuff I want, I'm ready.
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