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Posts posted by behindirisheyes

  1. understandably i actually made my first AMV on window movie maker but i also bought a copy of adobe premier for school but im not downing the people who use windows movie maker the core of that was supposed to be about how the net is flooded with mainstream anime stuff and liek i said im a fan of alot of mainstream anime i just like varity

  2. yeah i definitly have to agree with the stance of the growing number of crappy ones but more so i have to comment on, at the risk of sounding like an elitist which im definitly not trying to sound like, the fact that everyone with windows movie maker is making and amv for Naruto or inuyasha or some of the other more mainstream anime now dont get me wrong i enjoy me some naruto and inuyasha but theres only so much of the same thing you can take

  3. welll for the shaft you can just get your self a gopod length of pvc pipe and a can of spraypaint but the ttop would be a little harder and way more time consuming id advise going with getting a huge piece of styrophoam and cutting it down since it not really expenccive you can try and try again till you get it right then just color it in and itll be light weight

  4. ok so i definitly wanna take part in the whole cosplay aspect of otakon but my problem is that there isnt anyone i can think of that is my size im a big guy with a beard (and i really relly dont wanna shave the beard if you saw it youd know why) the only people i can think of is fatty butcho from air gear (if i shaved) and barret from FF7 but my dilema is im not black so can anyone throw me some ideas

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