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About Lainforce

  • Rank
    Fresh Meat

Profile Information

  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    Last Exile, BECK, Shingetsutan Tsukihime

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  1. On behalf of me and my friend, sorry for ruining "Let Me Be With You." If you liked the song before, you probably didn't after hearing us.
  2. It's the same every year: 1) Wake up at 1 AM. 2) Brush up, pack my things into the car. 3) Call everyone and pick them up. 4) Leave home at 3 AM, drive there by 8 AM. 5) Eat breakfast at the hotel. 6) Put on the costume.
  3. My friend backed out last year even after I told him "If you sing, I'll treat you to lunch." Oh well, maybe we can get him to do it this year.
  4. Ahh the perks of having a family member who works with Marriott, I get a 2-bed room for 40 USD a night.
  5. Having my picture taken is the most fun. I always pick really hard costumes to make, so when I get my picture taken, it makes it all worthwhile.
  6. My Thursday night is spent sleeping, waking up at 1 AM on Friday and packing the stuff for the 4 hour drive to Baltimore. ... to which I won't be sleeping till 1 AM the following day.
  7. I'm pretty set on retiring my Ky Kiske costume, but who knows if I'll be bringing it back.
  8. Well, I got Saturday HCC - Novice Division: Second Place. I move up to Journeyman and was announced, so no complaints here. The way I look at it, HCC is a way to showcase and compete against other costumes. Not really to get prizes. If I didn't get First Place, I'll try harder next year.
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