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Otakon Staff
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About dunno001

  • Rank
    Otaku In Training
  • Birthday 06/29/1981

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  • Location
    North of NYC, but close enough to know the dangers of Book-Off and Kinokuniya
  • Interests
    Anime (obviously), yaoi, manga, video games, others TBD

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  1. 1. Some of the elevators (most notably the one to enter the dealer's room) do require an accessibility flag to use, so yes, your friend will need to see the member accessibility booth by registration to get one. If you go with your friend, and will be helping them at certain points, you can request a companion flag to be with them, which will allow you to join them in the elevator among other things. 2. I do know there are plans to accept at least one app, unfortunately, I do not remember which it was, so I will leave this for someone with that info. 3. As of right now, a mask will b
  2. At some point, I would like to go, but working in the transportation industry and this being right before Thanksgiving (one of the busiest times of the year) means I typically can’t get time off.
  3. I’ve been binging on Ace of Diamond, myself, in between keeping up with the way too many series I'm watching. And now I get to wait for Black Clover, Idolish7, and Food Wars, so I'm getting through it even faster! Only about 40 eps to go...
  4. Looks like AX has also cancelled. Things are definitely looking down... http://www.anime-expo.org/2020/04/17/anime-expo-return-los-angeles-2021/
  5. I guess my present answer would be moot, since now it is an hour drive, but for my first few Otakons, it was coming from upstate New York. I started cons as staff for Shoujocon, (There is a story there, but I won't bore you all.) and I decided I wanted something bigger. Well, I couldn't get much bigger than Otakon, so it would give me a great small con/large con contrast. (No, I am not willing to fly out to some... other con...) Of course, like the fish in the pond, I was hooked. This will be my... 5th (?) year going now, and I don't see myself stopping any time soon! I also keep saying that I
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