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Random Thought Thread~Finishing from Circle Two

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It's hot. It's damn hot. Buku hot. It's gone beyond swamp ass and swamp balls.


Beware: I will be back on home soil in a few days. Hide the women and booze. **lol**

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It's been very hot in my area too for the past two days, felt like the type of temperatures that occurs around Otakon. Jeeze... O.O Just checked the weather, today it's going to be 80, tomorrow 68, Monday 71, Tuesday 87, and Wednesday 80....

First post in this new RTT, wow....

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I didn't go to my prom because I was saving money for the Olympics in Atlanta, GA in the summer of 1996.

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I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt when the weather was 50 before I left. **lol**

I get over here and it's about the same temp. Only time I had to wear my goretex jacket was when it rained. Never once did I use the thermal undies they had me take with me.

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i just wanna say, kissmybunniebutt, you have an amazing avatar.

anyhoo, i just got my tux for junior prom and it is studly. i am ready to rock...and perhaps roll, if there is time.

i'm going feel so weird there...all those juniors and i'm a pre-sophmore in college...oh well. at least i can smoke cigarettes and it'll be legal...cept i dont smoke

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just saw 28 weeks later...meh, not nearly as good as the original. it was ok.

speaking of disease infected humans destroying england, i made dean's list this semester which kinda scares me

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My bass lessons aren't going too well.

my friend and I were going really fast on bikes on a busy part of Harford Road. (within a 10 mile radius of the BCC) when a car backfired and we all almost crashed, it was hilarious, later that week I came down a hill about 400 feet behind that and my back tire blew when I was going extremely fast.

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I just finished the MCAT. I am exhausted and my brain is fried....x.x

I hope you did well on it. I hope you enjoy the weekend after that test.

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I hate the world's corruption of such nice, innocent people.

23 year old guys on the brink of marriage with some chick who cheats on him shouldn't move on from that to HIGH SCHOOL girls who can't say "sex" out loud because of it being "inappropriate."

It's just not right. Period.

I'm angry. Grrrrr.

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I hate the world's corruption of such nice, innocent people.

23 year old guys on the brink of marriage with some chick who cheats on him shouldn't move on from that to HIGH SCHOOL girls who can't say "sex" out loud because of it being "inappropriate."

It's just not right. Period.

I'm angry. Grrrrr.

WTFH?!?!? O.O That must be the most stupidest thing I've ever heard... Again society's stupidness in general rears its ugly head IMO. When did it become inappropriate for high school girls to say sex out loud in public??? -.- IMO, that shouldn't be inappropriate....

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I hate the world's corruption of such nice, innocent people.

23 year old guys on the brink of marriage with some chick who cheats on him shouldn't move on from that to HIGH SCHOOL girls who can't say "sex" out loud because of it being "inappropriate."

It's just not right. Period.

I'm angry. Grrrrr.

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yea heroes tonight totally pissed me off, I thought it was such a bad episode... ghaah.

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i kno i just watch Heroes too I am very surprise they end season one like that...kind of confused why Hiro [spoiler OMG]?


not everyone can watch it when it first airs :mad::mad:

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i kno i just watch Heroes too I am very surprise they end season one like that...WTFBBQ LET'S ADD THE SPOILER HERE!!!

Thanks a lot for spoiling, I didn't get a chance to watch Heroes tonight. :x :x :x

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I've missed all of this season and most of last due to being busy. Now, I miss it due to college...and I am saddened to see a spoiler here on the BBS. :mad: The TV gods must hate me!

Randomness: It's interesting when you read an odd story about women gathering to break the world record for the number of women giving birth at the same time and place.

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heroes...such a strange ending...not really like an "aw man i need to watch next season" feeling, more like, "aw man what the crap is going on in this show?" feeling.

overall, i still love the show, and there were some interesting twists that i'm excited to see unravel in the next season.

oh yea...gnocchi is ruler of you.

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What exactly did people dislike the about the episode of Heroes???

REMEmber to Post the ***Spoiler ALERT***.

I am going to start a new thread so people can discuss heroes. This thread is for Random Thoughts and not to really focus on one topic of discussion.

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ohhh ok I should have put *spoiler 

alert!* I should have known 

better。 :shock: I should edit it so no one will be spoiled。Sorry if it 

really made you upset :-s

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My senior pictures are going to be taken in July....at 7:35 AM ](*,) <-- This is me upon hearing this news.

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