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Bloody Broken Characters

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So I found out my passion in life is giving people bruises, cuts, scars, bite marks, etc etc.

These are the injuries I gave Ed from Full Metal Alchemist at Anime Central a couple weeks ago:




... Envy finally killed Ed:


And for NANA fans... Nana kicked Nobu in the face... again:


So I'm going to be running around the con giving away bruises for anybody that wants one.

I'll be cosplaying as Dante from Full Metal Alchemist with deteriorating flesh exposed at the side of the dress and coming up along side the neck (and face if I feel like going all out). I'll be carrying a black box with a white skull on the side of it carrying my make up. If you want one, don't be afraid to ask. They're free.

If you want something more extensive like open wounds or so forth, give me a PM on here so we can discuss the details and set up a time and place to meet up because the more extensive stuff takes a lot more time.

::NOTE:: Anything extensive, such as open wounds, require the use of liquid latex. If you have an allergy, all I can offer you are bruises and bandaged extensive injuries (like Ed's leg). Anybody that wants something requiring liquid latex will be required to sign a liability waver and anybody under 18 will need their parent's signature.

One thing that I do ask in return is to allow me to take a photo of the finished product for my portfolio.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all soon!


Edited by The INfamous MC
Admin edit: Please Post LINK images, not the pictures themselves.
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So I found out my passion in life is giving people bruises, cuts, scars, bite marks, etc etc.

These are the injuries I gave Ed from Full Metal Alchemist at Anime Central a couple weeks ago:




... Envy finally killed Ed:


And for NANA fans... Nana kicked Nobu in the face... again:


So I'm going to be running around the con giving away bruises for anybody that wants one.

I'll be cosplaying as Dante from Full Metal Alchemist with deteriorating flesh exposed at the side of the dress and coming up along side the neck (and face if I feel like going all out). I'll be carrying a black box with a white skull on the side of it carrying my make up. If you want one, don't be afraid to ask. They're free.

If you want something more extensive like open wounds or so forth, give me a PM on here so we can discuss the details and set up a time and place to meet up because the more extensive stuff takes a lot more time.

::NOTE:: Anything extensive, such as open wounds, require the use of liquid latex. If you have an allergy, all I can offer you are bruises and bandaged extensive injuries (like Ed's leg). Anybody that wants something requiring liquid latex will be required to sign a liability waver and anybody under 18 will need their parent's signature.

One thing that I do ask in return is to allow me to take a photo of the finished product for my portfolio.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all soon!


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if you could make me a ota-zombie id be very very very happy

PM me with a reference picture and we'll discuss what I can do for you.

::NOTE:: I notice there have been a lot of hits on this thread since last night. If you read this and you think you might be interested in stopping me if you see me for something as simple as a bruise please say so with a reply to the thread so I can get an idea how much material I'm going to have to bring. I'm from the Chicago area so going home to get more isn't an option for me. Thanks.


For those that are allergic to latex, I got my hands on a bunch of scar wax so I can do scars and open wounds for you! Yay for knowing owners and getting "good costumer discounts"! ^.^

And if anybody was wondering if skin tone mattered... no it doesn't. I got darker complexion scar wax too! ^.^

Let me know if you're interested so I know how much to stock up on!

Edited by ZGL
Moderator edit: Added information from double-post.
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haha we can become your horde of the living dead! :) count me in. oh! i can see a fallen down the stairs thing or something of that sort... and you might wanna bring extra, if you run out you'd be sad but if you have extra you you can also put more stuff on me lol well i'll send you a pic of me via email or something so you can get those creative jucies of yours flowing

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Good stuff, very top notch.

could you imagine 5 zombies laying on the ground for the pre reg line or for the dealers room line oh oh even better doing the thriller dance at the rave ....now we just need a zombie cloud or something....

Or I can brand you with the Otakon logo...

I got bored today so branded myself with the Kakkoicon logo out of boredom.

End result:


Right... so I decided to brand myself with the Otakon logo this time with "Otakon" written in katakana.

End result! (Let me know what you all think!):


Edited by Asrial Dune
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here's the otakon link. it didn't work when i clicked on it so i just copied the one she gave me: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/Yum...otakonbrand.jpg

anyways it sounds awsome althought i now that someone said it i really wanna get a group together and do the thriller dance lol (can you blame me?) any takers? anyone?

how big is that brand by the way? but knowing you i can see you making all different designs of it.

PS, if you wanna add more stuff to your portfolio, you can still paint me black and blue anyways, we can put some time aside to do that...^_~ and i'll help you with the costs a bit if need be

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that is awesome.

Although the katakana looks a little skewed, but AWESOME. XD I wonder if it'll work on my forehead.

Yeah the forehead won't be an issue but we may have to come up with a different design because it was brought to my attention that it would technically be copyright infringement to use the Otakon/Otakorp logo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohoh...do you think you could give me a few cuts...just to look like I was in a fight but didn't really lose....just.................got beat up a bit...

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So I found out my passion in life is giving people bruises, cuts, scars, bite marks, etc etc.

These are the injuries I gave Ed from Full Metal Alchemist at Anime Central a couple weeks ago:




... Envy finally killed Ed:


And for NANA fans... Nana kicked Nobu in the face... again:


So I'm going to be running around the con giving away bruises for anybody that wants one.

I'll be cosplaying as Dante from Full Metal Alchemist with deteriorating flesh exposed at the side of the dress and coming up along side the neck (and face if I feel like going all out). I'll be carrying a black box with a white skull on the side of it carrying my make up. If you want one, don't be afraid to ask. They're free.

If you want something more extensive like open wounds or so forth, give me a PM on here so we can discuss the details and set up a time and place to meet up because the more extensive stuff takes a lot more time.

::NOTE:: Anything extensive, such as open wounds, require the use of liquid latex. If you have an allergy, all I can offer you are bruises and bandaged extensive injuries (like Ed's leg). Anybody that wants something requiring liquid latex will be required to sign a liability waver and anybody under 18 will need their parent's signature.

One thing that I do ask in return is to allow me to take a photo of the finished product for my portfolio.

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all soon!


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I actually need an open wound for the masquerade skit I'm being in! Your work looks really awesome! I'd probably need an open wound around saturday afternoon! I'd gladly pay you! Is there any way I can get a hold of you on that day?

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mikamigirl and Zonbi: I have Pmed both of you in regards to your requests.

greygula: It's always good to see Nana fans. I actually just retired my Nana O. Thanks for the compliment...I actually put the paint on the bottom of my boot and literally put it up again Nobu's face...with it still on my foot. We got it on video. Rather entertaining.


So... thanks to obsession consuming... I won't be able to finish Dante from FMA because I have been working on my Tyki Mikk cosplay like a mad man (how ironically fitting). *points to icon* I'll look something like that only with darker gray complexion and other lovely props.

Another thing is that I'm officially gofering this year so if you want something in specific, let me know ASAP so I can work with you to fit you in my schedule prior to the actual con.

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  • 2 weeks later...
wow! i WILL be on the lookout for you. maybe on saturday i can do a battle damaged wolfwood B)!

Saturday is my busy day so if you want something in specific just PM me with the details. ;)

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