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So it begins... the wait for Otakon 2009!

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YAY! I just pre-reged! XD Now I just have to get my costumes finished. X.x Lots more sewing to keep me busy for 5 & 1/2 more months. Seriously though, I'm really excited about it. It's going to be my first Otakon and I'm just off the wall. I already have 3 "For Sure" cosplays and on top of that, I'm making a rave outfit to match the one, and then have a possible surprise cosplay on top of everything else (If I can get it together in time).

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Isn't it funny how we wait basically 11 months for 3 days of fun? :D

Funny is when you work your butt off for 11 months, then work like a madman for a solid week, to bring other people 3 days of fun, and you don't get to see it yourself.

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Isn't it funny how we wait basically 11 months for 3 days of fun? :)

Funny is when you work your butt off for 11 months, then work like a madman for a solid week, to bring other people 3 days of fun, and you don't get to see it yourself.

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Isn't it funny how we wait basically 11 months for 3 days of fun? :D

Funny is when you work your butt off for 11 months, then work like a madman for a solid week, to bring other people 3 days of fun, and you don't get to see it yourself.

Edited by Tareei
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Isn't it funny how we wait basically 11 months for 3 days of fun? ^_^

Funny is when you work your butt off for 11 months, then work like a madman for a solid week, to bring other people 3 days of fun, and you don't get to see it yourself.

I will--and have before--get myself into trouble by adamantly praising you guys for that! Your awesomeness knows no bounds.

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Gaaah! For some reason, while I was sitting in art class today and totally paying attention (not), I kept thinking about what I did when I waited in line to get into Otakon last year. xD And I don't know whyyy...maybe I drifted asleep or something. o__o I still need to preregister! I feel unprepared if I don't preregister super early!

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. . . We are almost half way through this month and the Cherry Blossom festival is coming up soon. . . The prequel to otakon *insert dramatic music here*

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For me it feels like Otakon is coming up too fast. Between budgeting and working out for the con, I wish it was longer till the con. ;[
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For me it feels like Otakon is coming up too fast. Between budgeting and working out for the con, I wish it was longer till the con. ;[

Bah! Is it possible for Otakon to be coming up too fast????

Nope, that's just propoganda spread by those worried about getting everything done in time.

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Yea otakon is coming fast this yr. Its already march...

Well my job is pretty stable so ill have at least $100 saved for the dealers room. (well if i don't spend on something else)

Kant wait for the guess the guest contest and the activities schedule up on the site. (I had a crazy dream bout otakon *o*)

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Otakon is coming up too fast. Im not doing so great financially and I was just at Katsucon a few weeks ago.

:::: sigh :::: this hobby is more expensive than crack [..... not that I would know :(]

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Work finally kicked me the vacation/personal pay they forgot to give me for my Japan trip. My bank account isn't double digits now. It's nice.

Side note: If I did that trip now instead of January, I would have saved several hundred dollars in airfare and exchange rate stuff. Darn it. That said, you can get from DC to Tokyo for $900 now, which is awesome.

Edited by Aresef
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Man I already pullin my hair out cuz we have everything else worked out except for two things, the most important things too, Cash, but we got four months to save, and the really important one a ride Otakon. Man I feel as though I should be signing "it's a long road to Otakon!". Meh I figure something out but I can't wait!!! GEEK-GASM!!!!!!

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The problems I have is saving enough cash for the hotel and for general spending. Due to the credit crisis I have instituted a policy of paying everything in cash. I did this for the last Otakon and will do so this time. My tax refund is helping me with that though.

Another one is the cosplay, I'm planning a few new costumes this year.

Also, will I actually able to go?

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The problems I have is saving enough cash for the hotel and for general spending. Due to the credit crisis I have instituted a policy of paying everything in cash. I did this for the last Otakon and will do so this time. My tax refund is helping me with that though.

Another one is the cosplay, I'm planning a few new costumes this year.

Also, will I actually able to go?

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if you live close enough, driving in a friends car that has good gas mileage is a big plus. We've saved hundreds doing it that way, especially when we have E-Z Pass to get through the tolls at the tunnels on 95. Hotels are such a big expense, even with a group
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Regardless, someone totally needs to do a Vista Sidebar version.

ok 3 things,

1. They should make an iTouch/iPhone App, but not only a countdown to Ota but to other cons too

2. YES a sidebar would be good, but not only a countdown to Ota but to other cons too

3. Got my pre-reg done :lol: Do you?

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I'm uber excited :3

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How can someone have not updated that we broke 100 days! That's right people- we're into double digit territory! 97 days and counting!

I have friends who are at Sakuracon right now, texting me stuff that they're doing, while I'm reading posts about conventions of my own...anyone ever get the feeling conventions just sorta take over your life? XD

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Oh, bugger, i need to get myself in gear. (fretfretfret) I still need to do.... pretty much *everything.* (is so dumb; ahh ha)

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