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What Japanese gadget, doll, (insert here) do you want?

Guest Ranmah

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I am just curious what kind of Japanese gadget do you want? Tokyo is filled with places that have stuff you don't really need, but you want to get because no one else has it.

Case in point, there is a Japanese company that sells USB cooling units for your laptops. If you like stuff for your Mobile (Cell Phone), there is an endless supply of Ketai (mobile) accessories. My favorite is a ketai pen. This is very useful to write stuff down.

If there is something you want to see or want to talk about. Please post here.

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I just want Japanese cosmetics. I can get Shu Uemura and the regular Shiseido cosmetics here in the states, but I would love to get my hands on Majolica Majorca (The Shiseido stuff I REALLY want to try), Etude House, Jill Stuart, and Kanebo.

Yeah..I should mention that I am a cosmetics freak...@_@

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Coincidentally, the following showed up at..........

Well, I think I had better use some discretion here.

Just do an Internet search for "Kochi the Anime Doll." (I found it on the page at Cracked.com, linked from a page with a link posted at Geekpress.com.)

Definitely NOT safe for work, shared/public computers, etc. -- but good for a laugh, anyway.

No, I DON'T actually WANT one of these. I'm married to a wonderful lass, thank you.

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Coincidentally, the following showed up at..........

Well, I think I had better use some discretion here.

Just do an Internet search for "Kochi the Anime Doll." (I found it on the page at Cracked.com, linked from a page with a link posted at Geekpress.com.)

Definitely NOT safe for work, shared/public computers, etc. -- but good for a laugh, anyway.

No, I DON'T actually WANT one of these. I'm married to a wonderful lass, thank you.

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I've been noticing a lot of hip Japanese guys are wearing a beverage-type carrying bag. I forgot the name of them. There are a lot of them at Ueno. I guess it's a Tokyo thing because I don't see them that often in Kanagawa (Maybe I am too busy going to work each day).

I am glad there are some people who like Japanese gadgets.

I need to buy a new re-tractable headphone thingy. My only one broke.

Donki seems like the best place to buy cheap cute looking stuff. I'm trying to think of other stores around Tokyo that sells weird stuff.

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  • 4 months later...

I want a japanese made phone.

They have the wallpaper for your phone and you can just downloading by taking a pic of the square barcode. I also heard people get free stuff whenever you take pics of them. something like that.

Of course I cant buy one of them in the dealers room. (>.<)

Im hoping to go this summer but i wont need a japanese phone for only 3 months.

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<br />
Yeah..I should mention that I am a cosmetics freak...@_@
<br />I couldn't tell. <img src="style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br /><br />I want <a href="
target="_blank">these</a>, provided I ever get a phone you can actually attach charms to. I've never had a phone like that. ^^;<br />
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Yeah..I should mention that I am a cosmetics freak...@_@

I couldn't tell. :P

I want

provided I ever get a phone you can actually attach charms to. I've never had a phone like that. ^^;

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  • 2 months later...

Heyyy...look, the topic is still around. xD Well, to update my last post about the little soy bean things...I went to Epcot a few weeks ago and actually found one of those Japanese keychains that simulate bubble wrap...you cannot imagine my fangirlish squee when I saw that thing on the shelves. xD So in part, my desire has been fulfilled...now all I need is that freakin' Ouran game Japan is keeping to themselves to be released over here and all shall be well...

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Well... I would like to get some japanese phone accessories and I would definately like to get some of their lolita clothes. <3 It would be so hawt to wear to a convention or maybe on holloween too. ^^

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The plants in cell phone charms idea is sooo cute. At first I thought they were real! lol. I want the bean sprout looking thing not the cactus in a jar or if not then the golden poo


and I want something Domo!!! maybe these things


Edited by shuijing_girl
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