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Your Otakon 2009 Group

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Well with tomorrow being the start if a new month it would seem the con is drawing exceedingly near... And with no signs of the earth slowing down causing a longer time till

Most hard-core con-goers already have made their plans, the little less seious Otaku begin to make preperations while some just plan on winging it last minute

In my preperation steps i have entered my favorite time of con planning, finding a plethora of friends to attend the con with me

So in my mind a question arises... who all are you other folks bringing to the illustrious Otakon 2009.

For me I bring a few people each year.. this year so far i have...

* Myself ( wub.gif )

* My Girlfried Lacy

* My Friends Andrew & Eric

* My Bro

* And His Girlfriend

Edited by Asrial Dune
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We plan to have a nice little party of five, that being one of my best friends, a lady friend of mine, two others yet to be decided, and I. My girlfriend can't make it this year, sadly, but I guess it's a good idea to stray from couples when planning your contourage, lest there be an outbreak of drama which is a TOTAL buzzkill, believe you me.

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I've got my friend Mari... and a bunch of failtastic friends who're all too poor or busy to manage the trip (really how is studying abroad in New Zeland more important!? -sarcasm-) Hopefully I'll be able to find a couple friends to tag along, and if not... well I'll be scouting the boards for room buddies shortly. :)

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I'm still trying to flesh out my group, but I always meet up with other groups once we get there, and I know lots of random people who go, so I know I'll have someone to hang out with at any given moment. It's just a matter of whom, at least until I get there!

I'm also bringing my brother for his first con since 2001, which'll be interesting, too!

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Well with tomorrow being the start if a new month it would seem the con is drawing exceedingly near... And with no signs of the earth slowing down causing a longer time till

Most hard-core con-goers already have made their plans, the little less seious Otaku begin to make preperations while some just plan on winging it last minute

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Well it may be the same people i go with every yr. My 4 best friends. I may force 2 of my other friends to go so they can get the full experence of being otaku's and not staying in the closet about being one.

I cant wait. I may go to japan tho this summer so if that works out then my friends will have to go with out me and take plenty of pics.

We are the big otaku's around are area!

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So far I'm only going with a party of three. Me, my best friend, and her older sister. I think we'll be meeting up with my best friend's cousin a few times, but I'm not sure if she's going to be in the group or not.

I wish I had some more people to do a huge group cosplay. But Otakus like us four are pretty rare in our residence.

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It's a 10 to 11 hour drive for us (Montreal, QC) so we have to make it count. So far we have 2 confirmed cars so that's 8 people with another driver under "maybe" right now. We're all basically friends in the same anime club and if that 3rd driver is confirmed it won't be a problem filling that car up and that would bring out total to 12 people.

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It's a 10 to 11 hour drive for us (Montreal, QC) so we have to make it count. So far we have 2 confirmed cars so that's 8 people with another driver under "maybe" right now. We're all basically friends in the same anime club and if that 3rd driver is confirmed it won't be a problem filling that car up and that would bring out total to 12 people.

Ahhh that brings back memories of my first trip to Otakon. First drove from Toronto to Montreal with my then gf (before she moved in with me she lived in Montreal) to pick up a friend of hers. Then we all booted down to Hartford to pick up another friend. It was a large van that my then gf's parents lent us. Total trip time from Montreal to Baltimore was about 16hrs. But that includes a 2hr stop over in Hartford and frequent leg stretching breaks.

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Oh, squee. xD Uhmm...my two awesome friends are going, but not specifically with me, two friends that aren't so close to me but are still awesome are going, once again, not specifically with me...and me, my best friend, and her mom are all gonna try to squeeze into the backseat of my mom's car and go together. xD

I'm excited. This'll be my first Otakon where I'll actually have friends with me...then again, this is only my second con...>___>;;

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My potential group includes my "Genshiken" club (which is composed of about 10-15 students) and some girls that do not our attend our sausage-fest prep school. Oh, and my father plans to be the chaperon. :3

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Me, the husband and barring anything crazy, the three girls we roomed with last week and an old friend from high school.

But since we all have our own individual agendas at the con we may not aways be spending time together during the day.

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I'm coming with a big group- the number's not finalized but it's going to be about 10-14 people, basically friends or friends-of-friends. Though it's not an official club outing, they're all either former/current members of my old college anime club, or friends thereof.

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I'll be going to the con with my boyfriend Louis, my bestfriend Jay, his boyfriend Chris, our very good friends Mikey and Jonathan, and then a slew of my boyfriends' friends (usually between 4-8 additional people)... so my whole group will consiste of about 16-20 people. O.o I never thought about the numbers before. The core of my group is my bf, bff, his boytoy and then Mikey and Jon.

We're kicking around ideas of dressing up as characters from Family Guy... but I'm not sure yet lol. Jay wants to dress up as the chicken and have Louis be Peter. They want to randomly "beat" each other up around the con.

I'm still convinced that Jay and Louis would be better off as Moogles. :D that way I can make them carry my stuff. :lol:

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It will probably be only myself. I won't be alone, since I know too many convention runners to count. I also help run the Convention Runners Dinner on Saturday night.

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wow... I am only going with one of best friends..... lol... but I have another friend who has been going for years and we will probably meet up with him somewhere around the convention........ (which reminds me to make sure I have the right cell numbers for everyone!!!)

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Well, I'm bringing my mom...or she is bringing me as she is driving. She is also paying for everything. I love her, lol!

She was skeptical of going when we first went to years ago, but I begged her to take me, and she actually enjoyed it. She just felt old.

I'm not bringing friends this year, but I'm sure to meet up with some of them there.

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This is going to be my third time attending Otakon... and while I have made friends, that I'll enjoy seeing at Otakon.. I think this is going to be a solo thing again this year. I was with a friend my first year, but her reasoning on going to Otakon again depends on the guest. Second year, I had my reasons to attend, plus Jam Project was last year... I made friends with various travel companions and roommates...

I assume this year, like last year that one of my friend is going to be driving down to Otakon.. crossing my fingers that his car doesn't die on him...so I will hitch a ride with him... but he's going to other events..

Technically if you're alone, you should have strategies to strike up conversations with other con goers, or you should plan your events accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

myself, the boyfriend [his first otakon, hehehe], my younger sister, my best friend

and i'm planning to see alot of friends from college there as well

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One again, i'm coming alone & rooming with strangers... but i hope to meet up with people this year. :)

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It's a 10 to 11 hour drive for us (Montreal, QC) so we have to make it count. So far we have 2 confirmed cars so that's 8 people with another driver under "maybe" right now. We're all basically friends in the same anime club and if that 3rd driver is confirmed it won't be a problem filling that car up and that would bring out total to 12 people.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Me and my pal Julia always go to Otakon ever since 2006 !

It'll be our 4th year together this year and the first time it'll be just me and her because my mom is letting me be a grown up *finally* and doing it all on my own :)

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My grad school lab mate and I are going together! And we're each bringing one other person (her friend and my sister). That said, we are LOCAL, very cool ladies that just moved to the DMV within a year and it would be awesome to meet other 20-somethings, particularly anime loving ones. Let's get some lunch and blend some groups!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Best Friend #1

Best Friend #1's GF

Best Friend #2

Best Friend #2's GF

Best Friend #3

Friend #1

Friend #2

Friend #3

Friend #4

Friend #4's Friend 1

Friend #4's Friend 2

Friend #5

Girl I play WoW with

lol, thats alot

My grad school lab mate and I are going together! And we're each bringing one other person (her friend and my sister). That said, we are LOCAL, very cool ladies that just moved to the DMV within a year and it would be awesome to meet other 20-somethings, particularly anime loving ones. Let's get some lunch and blend some groups!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Lets see,

- Me

- Friend Alicyn

- Friend Ashley

- Friend Caelie

- Friend Haeliey

- and anyone else who happens to tag along. xD

Its always a big group with me and my friends, SO it can be unpredictable at times >.>

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Hmm... As far as I know for my group its


My 2 Best Friends

One of their Fiances

The same ones little brother

Another good friend

his fiance

and her annoying little brother

Ugh... annoying little brothers... -.-

I am hoping to meet a lot of people though! :D

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I have a huge-ass group I'm stuck with, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I just tallied it all up, and including me, there're 12 people going. I know about 8 of them personally, and the rest are like friends of friends. It's gonna be blast.

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