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Autograph Prices and line wait time

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Hello I have a question regarding autograph prices and line wait times for a couple of guests. How much will autographs be for Kari Wahlgren and Richard Epcar, can you also take a selfie at their table (since some guests depending on which one), and how long would their line wait times be through their sessions. I have been dying to meet Kari for such a long time now and I worry that since I am only attending on Saturday that the possibility of it being first come first serve might prevent me from getting to see her, and that would crush me and make me think that I wasted my time coming in the first place.

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In terms of pricing:


Otakon's official autograph sessions are free of charge to any Member. However, individual guests may participate in private or industry-sponsored appearances in the exhibit halls, and there may be fees or purchases associated with those sessions. For-fee or purchase-required autograph sessions must always take place in the Industry, Dealer, or Art halls.

Basically, the ones that are listed on Otakon's schedule are free.

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For wait times, last year the autograph line-con looked more like a sea of people.  There was no way I was getting near that. :blink:  Hopefully, someone with more experience being in the line will post about it for you.  But you might want to schedule a few hours for it, I'm not sure.


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Autographs organized by Otakon are free, governed by the rules under "Guests and Autographs" on Otakon's website. You can have guests sign your program book or any officially licensed and properly credited products. They may choose to sign handmade or other weird stuff. In terms of selfies, they forbid flash photography or photo ops during official signings unless otherwise noted. Your best bet might be to visit the autographs section when you can and ask a staffer about policies for those two sessions.

Some passes may be handed out during a guest's panel, but that's no guarantee. Richard Epcar does a few cons every year and Kari Wahlgren does a bunch, so I don't foresee much of a problem.

However, autograph sessions at industry booths or whatever are governed by whatever rules their management wants.

Edited by Aresef
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So there is still a possibility you could take a selfie if it is noted for the specific guest guess I'll have to wait until I get there to see. By guest panel it is just a typical convention autograph session, correct? This autograph system is strange and foreign to me,  are autographs unless noted are free, is there a limit to how many you can get? I am talking no more than 3. Sorry to be asking 20 questions this is my first time.

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A "guest panel" is more like a sit-down Q&A with the guest, a moderator, and the attendees; they don't sign autographs at those. The autograph signings happen down in the Autograph area of the Dealers' Room. Sometimes if you go to the guest's panel they will hand out tickets and such to jump to the front of the line down at the autograph sessions, but I think it depends on the guest. There's a lot of good information about the autographs process here: https://www.otakon.com/info/general-policies/ Just scroll down to where it says "Guest and Autographs" and click on it, it should tell you just about everything you'll want to know. In any case, it looks like Kari Wahlgren will have three autograph sessions and Richard Epcar will have two, so you'll have plenty of chances to get those autographs!

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55 minutes ago, Jonathan Seitz said:

So there is still a possibility you could take a selfie if it is noted for the specific guest guess I'll have to wait until I get there to see. By guest panel it is just a typical convention autograph session, correct? This autograph system is strange and foreign to me,  are autographs unless noted are free, is there a limit to how many you can get? I am talking no more than 3. Sorry to be asking 20 questions this is my first time.

No, a panel is a Q&A session. There are not autographs there. Only the things at the autograph tables are autograph sessions.

As noted in the rules, you should generally expect one autograph per person unless there's a specific limit posted for the guest in question. They have to keep the line moving. Again, check with a staffer in autographs to figure out if that limit or other restrictions are in force for the signing session you want to attend. Chances are you might have to do another swing through the line or go to a later autograph session. Epcar is doing two signings and Wahlgren is doing three, according to the schedule as it stands.

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Peeking through the schedule, I see that she has autograph signings at the Autographs section of the Dealer's Room at the following times: Friday from 4-5, Saturday from 12-1, and Sunday from 12:45-1:45. Autographs are listed toward the bottom of the schedule. You should plan on getting in line about an hour before the autograph session starts. I will say from my personal experience that I had the easiest time getting autographs on Sunday, but your experience may be different.

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Thank you, I am 100% going to Kari's panel then. I guess the only question I have left is that the schedule only lists the panel time and not the autograph session time, is it within that time or immediately following?

The autograph sessions are in the schedule on their own. They may not necessarily be after the panels. Look at the schedule again.
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For autographs from experience they form the line for the autograph an hour before the start of the official autograph time. And what I mean by form a line a stampede of people rushes to get in line as soon as the line is formed. So definitely make sure you are there at least a few minutes before the line starts.

Also usually the rule is 1 autograph per session. So you can get in line again if the line is short but you aren’t allowed to ask for multiple autographs at once

Edited by Kirarakim
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On 7/21/2019 at 10:55 PM, EdKitten said:

For wait times, last year the autograph line-con looked more like a sea of people.  There was no way I was getting near that. :blink:  Hopefully, someone with more experience being in the line will post about it for you.  But you might want to schedule a few hours for it, I'm not sure.

I really hope that I can get there soon enough.


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