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Online Event came and went, missed emails :(

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When it was formally announced, and with aught else concurrent to divide attention, I had passively resigned to checking hotel booking for 2021 later this year. Apparently, despite how labelled and marked as critical for updates, all but the most recent letter from Otakorp went to my promotions bin in Gmail. Manys a panel I was keen to after reading schedule for yesterday, as well missing out on the two usual accommodations my small and longevitous dedicated group books since the move from Baltimore to DC - being the Cambrian and Embassy.

(If anyone has booked an extra room at either, please reach out to me, I would be immensely grateful)

Aside trying to accept the bitter layer on top of current affairs, hopefully the online stream was a pleasure for all? Granted many panels to enjoy, though was/were there one or more that especially held resonance and appreciation?

In hopes of not offending anyone, some panels I was particularly enthused for were Zelda and Japanese Religion, Hikikomori, The Ainu, Sakura Wars, AuralAnime, and others scattered throughout the day.


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