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Everything posted by evaunit01berserk

  1. Is anyone going to be driving through the greenville area to AWA? I am looking for a ride to only. Going to train it back so I can leave late. Must have room for a decently sized cosplay. Will get gas money

  2. Greenville is going to all hell.... Two cops just blew by the house at least 70 miles an hour with sirens blaring. They don't do that here because its residential unless its something serious. I seriously need to get a gun because I am getting people slowing down after they pass me in damn shitty ass looking cars acting weird as if they are sizing me up and seeing if im worth an attempt to mug.

  3. 最後に夢を見よう かけひきより先に プライド 捨てらまえよ! Do it! 最後に夢を見よう どんな告白だって そう 答えはいらないんだ

  4. It takes two to tango, but just one to perform the running man.

  5. http://i.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21779818 Hayley Decker Sara Wittenzellner .5 SECONDS OF NEW FOOTAGE! HOMURAS SOUL GEM BREAKING!
  6. How's your day rick? Oh just awesome, just pairing up the the two most anti social characters, lon'qu and panne in fire emblem and laughing at their interactions regarding a bag of weeds ; p

  7. How about we not have any "cosplay ambassador" and just stick to having fun?

  8. Well, Obama cant fine me anynore for nit having health insurance. Now I get to listen to doctors tell me im dying.

  9. Yes homestucks, who is the real puppeteer behind your brewing civil war.... https://www.facebook.com/events/1412829902266796/ Its that time again Operation high tension syndrome!

  10. Two atl homestuck groups are getting ready to fight over the amphitheater because the dimwits scheduled both their shoots at the same time...4:13 oh well, have fun with your power war guys, I don't give a fack ;p

  11. Hayley Decker and Sara Wittenzellner UNSEEN FOOTAGE! NEW CHARACTER FOOTAGE MAMI VS KYOUKO! http://youtu.be/QhEb1Uzznxo

  12. And yoshi P raised his hand and STRUCK DOWN THE CRIPPLED FFXIV servers and rained fire and brimstone upon them! So that new servers that could handly the blasphemy of more then 10k players at once could RIIIIISE UP and quell the armageddon the 1017 error has wrought upon this blessed electronic land Can I get an amen brother Mistah Jay

  13. Why do I still watch Fate/kaleid liner prisma illiya? The magical girl genre is one of the few things stopping me from hating this world and everything in it completely ; p

  14. Must be that season to brag about your boyfriends and girlfriends. Seriously, yall posts are incessant and numerous, all generally at then same time each year.....

  15. Dear Diary Today Alex Velasco was grouch. I went to bed, happy for once that I was not grouch for once.

  16. Adamantoise FFXIV server full? Thats okay, I will go romance a+ double pony tail cuty from fire emblem while I wait.

  17. Downloading fire emblem 3ds awakening demo to see what the hype is about

  18. Playing pokemon pearl...because I have nothing else better to donright now

  19. I am seriously at the end of my rope with life in general. The people I want to talk to, dont talk. The people I want leave me alone, are up my ass constantly even when I throw money at them to leave me alone. Sick and tired of doing the right thing and then watching and being told how im a failure because I didn't make the social connections needed in life because rather then going out and having fun, I was working or fixing someones crap. Im at work right now with a 102 fever to make u...

  20. Been walking around 3 days woth this 3ds with streetpass on No other street passes found :

  21. Ffxiv world transfers will begin mid Sept

  22. My Nintendo friends code is 2981 6429 5846 Add me foolios

  23. Just found a purple 3ds downtown. Soooooo, is there anyway to find out who these things belong to? :P

  24. Wtf....the log out button in ffxiv disappeared

  25. So.....ffxiv na servers are down. So lets go bug the japanese! Go make a character named Kirino Run into gardania market area yell "AKIHABAAAAAAARA!!" Suddenly get a flood of tells in english saying slut,whore, die, and other such foulness :P be mad jp's, be mad.

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