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Small Note: I saw a few theads here, and then on other sites (See: Gaia, and 4Chan), and just decided to lay it out. I invite everyone else to post their thoughts too.

Minor Rant:

The Otakon Staff are a bunch of cool guys and gals who work really really hard, year round, to bring us an awesome convention that brings us all back year after year

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As a frequent /b/tard, I mourn the loss of a 4chan panel. However, in the midst of last year's panel, when I saw a good half of the line start walking into the panel with the heil and whatnot, I instantly thought "Oh dear god we're dead meat. Let's just hope the media doesn't get wind of this....." and I half expected to see pictures of this in the newspaper the next day saying "OTAKON: NAZI DEATH CULT!" or some silly fiasco like that. Thank god that didn't happen -_-'

At every con I go to, I do my best to respect the staff as if they were my own flesh and blood. A lot of people don't understand that most of the staff (especially the good-hearted, dedicated gofers) is not paid for their service to the con, and are doing it all out of their love of their fellow otaku.

I had a point to make when I started writing this post, then I got distracted by 4chan, and now I don't know where I'm going with this xD

Edited by Tehmonkzorz
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It is a thing of frustration yes, con-goers disputing the upheld rules of common sense/courtesy. Alabaster put it best, "Your right to throw a punch ends when you hit me in the face", a precise synopsis of the over-all theme of freedom within a controlled environment, in my opinion. You can have your cake, and eat it too, but expect retribution if you shove your cake in someone's face.

I don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, but I'm all for fun and games if someone wants to cosplay and such and have their paddles, but keep it to yourselves... and if it causes such problems that they're banned then leave them in the car... I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun at the con without a paddle. When did this country become all about "me", "I", and "myself"?

Well... that has been part of our motivation as a nation for many innovations... but still, I should like to think the point is made. :rolleyes:

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Back when we first came to the BCC it was noted how respectful our membership was, that we were "well behaved kids" (even those of us weren't kids), and the staff there would schedule to be working out weekend on purpose.

When I see things happening at a convention that destroys that image, I get sort of sad.

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Back when we first came to the BCC it was noted how respectful our membership was, that we were "well behaved kids" (even those of us weren't kids), and the staff there would schedule to be working out weekend on purpose.

When I see things happening at a convention that destroys that image, I get sort of sad.

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I love Otakon. Dearly. In all it's large, loud, wondrous glory. I remember standing in line for hours my first Otakon for my badge, just basking in the hugeness of the BCC and I could tell from the vibe of everyone around that Thursday that this con was definitely something great. It was the most exciting/tiring/thrilling/awesome weekend, and every year continues to be the same.

Cut to five years later and my third year on staff and I still LOVE this con dearly. I think Otakon has a very good reputation, its widely respected as the largest on the East Coast and pretty much second in the country. The staff works very hard to keep the con going successfully as well as make it an enjoyable/safe weekend for attendees. We do this voluntarily with no monetary gain because we love this con and want it to suceed.

Sometimes the policies don't make people very happy (ie - yaoi paddle banning, etc.), but they are implemented for very good reasons.

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personally, i'm glad those paddles are gone, but on the other hand it gave you a good indication of who to avoid.

As for the 4chan stuff, it was bound to happen. stuff like that should stay on the internet imo.

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