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Anyone like ze boybands?

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I may be totally crazy but do you mean JE..or the but are using ze..or am I lost here..help me out!

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ze= the

Excuse my dork talk. I'm asking fans of ANY boyband from Japan~

(or possibly korea.. cuz korea be beastin like that x:)

JE fan, eh?

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Lol its ok excuse my squareness..am I a fan...yes...do I create wank never..but yeah love them all though I must say I think the majority or Korean bands sound better! Like I mean JE wise I'm all for Kanjani and their funny and NEWS and there...them and V6 all the way..but man DBSK...man..Shinwha!...old school H.O.T...I've even begun to love Big Bang *points to signature*..SuJu has there fun moments but only a few are powerful singers..and lets not forgot SS501, I think Noel is defunct...and...A'ST1...and just a dash of Battle! :D

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I'm actually anti-JE

*hides from tomatoes*

however YAMAPI is sexy guy ;D

I LOVE Golf&Mike even I consider them more of a thai group haha

Yes K-bands are much better *gets shot* :D

I don't know much J-boybands than JE DD8 there's always W-inds. (TALENTED group srsly) erm Lead even if they're a bit not that popular anymore? it's all about JE ouch.

TOHOSHINKI uhh uhh yes O__O I'm not going to spazz but I'm addicted to them.. I flew across the nation to see them in LA x:

Big Bang yupp I've been following them for a while (well even before debut) they have really really good songs! (Last Farewell & Lies ftw!)

H.O.T= LEGEND. *does candy dance*

SUJU H scares me but hey its SUJU XD

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I can't ever fan girl it's just not in my nature so don't worry, but I see where you are coming from...

Golf and Mike yes they are Thai and I don't know much about current Thai culture but style and dance wise they are still very JE like in my opinion..yes W-inds is so much, so much better all around, but hey Johnny does know to market his boys..er well his sister does..and some really do have singing comps.. KinKi Kids as an example..I'm not like defending them or anything just saying I listen to music other than boybands and from Korea, Japan and Taiwan and even the boybands I appreciate the differences.

I'll say what scares me most are fans, ELF, Cassies, Triple S's..the list goes on, I've had some friends that don't like DBSK when they sing Japanese becuase of their accents..I still enjoy the songs but their Korean is of course better, it'd be nice to see them do a lot more promotion of things in Korea....

..And god I don't know any other true Japanese "boybands"...I have heard rumors of things being stolen from lesser groups(like dance moves)...and I've seen some videos I just can't say names becasue I don't remember!

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I honestly cannot differentiate the accents in Japanese songs o: unless it's REALLY obvious like when Rain sang a Japanese song x_x I don't mind DBSK being in Japan I'll support them with w/e they do (: I'm really glad their new korean album comes out in August~

I've actually listened to KinKi Kids pretty good.

Yes the fans are VERY scary I guess that's one thing that definitely sets apart J-fandom and K-fandom. (don't get me started on what happened at the dream concert my goodness)

um yup.. kankanji song have similarities to Lead's Fly Away song.. ;; I feel bad for Lead they really do need more promotion.

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Oh lord I was waiting for someone to mention the dream concert.....we all know how that went! :D

On the semi similar topic of the boybands..the girl bands...recently Korea has been doing better but the Grace!!! Such better voices than...well that will remain unnamed...and need more promotion..I think they have something in Japan coming out soon.

Oh JE sub unit I love Tegomass!!!

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yes the grace aka Tenjo Chiki have such lovely voices^^ I really enjoy their songs ONE MORE TIME, OK? I lovee that song<3 also Sweet Flower, definitely! (: They really do need more promotion they're not even performing at this year's A-nation.. :D

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Well there single is coming out on the 23rd of July!..their last single was the highest yet so hopefully this one will go higher!

Japan seems to be able to promote their girls fairly well..that is if one doesn't break free and go solo, since usually in Korea they break up when the contract is over.

You know a group that would have done well in Japan in my opinion since they looked so MM-ish...Shinvi..speaking of MM please let other people get more vocals and cast new girls with better voices!!!

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LOL I remember that group "oh darling~" what ever happened to them?

I wonder if Wondergirls will break out in Japan hmm

ah MM I admit I secretly listen to their songs once in a while XD

(Do you believe S____D will be like MM....?)

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See I find the Wondergirls catchy...but they don't have the vocals..like not that all the Japanese acts do but look at most of the Korean acts they try and bring over here...strong vocals..

Hmmm wasn't SuJu original supposed to rotate..and the fangirls hated it? Maybe that will happen with S__D...they won't switch them off but I can see them going the SUJU route with the mini groups...what is it 4 now?

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I'm a big Johnny's fan, specifically, I adore Yamapi. (Ask Jim. He knows.) I'm in one of the fanclubs, so that I can get concert tickets, and was even an extra for Propose Daisakusen (though I think my scene got cut).

I've seen NewS, KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 live and will be seeing Kinki Kids (as well as KAT-TUN twice) this summer. The concerts are fun even if you're not a fan since they have high production values. To make up for the fact that they lip-sync half the songs, there are stunts, lights and things you would expect from a vegas show. If you can obtain it, the "Summary concert" (NewS and KAT-TUN combined show) from 2004 is available on DVD and probably the most entertaining of all of the shows I have seen from JE. Most of them have some sort of talent in something, though it's quite often NOT singing. They tend to have pretty amusing television shows since they've been trained not to take themselves too seriously on tv.

Pretty much once you follow one JE personality, you end up learning about all of the rest of them though since they're all interconnected. And they're always on tv. Once in a while, I also run into them on the street in the area where I live. JE is pretty much my guilty pleasure though. The other acts I like tend to be of the more serious nature, such as Kobukuro.

I have the HOT best hits album and a few other old Korean CDs from my college days. I lived by a Korean music store in college, so it was pretty easy to get into the music at the time. Once the store closed down, I didn't really follow K-pop anymore. My mom loves Korean dramas though.

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Super Junior

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Super Junior H

yup... not including the original.. already 4 sub-groups. I'd watch out for a Super Junior J D:

Yes that's true but I always have this feeling Wondergirls will go either to Japan or the US O_O

JYP is just that type of guy xD

I believe Wondergirls have A LOT of potential just need to work on those vocals.. /:

With a big group like S__D they probably will rotate (I also believe a member will be get kicked out and I think we all know which one)

@Kaki: man you must have a lot of connections! Lucky!

ah I don't know why I just can't get into JE fandom even when I was in my J-pop phase.

It's good to know there's JE fans out there though.

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I'm a big Johnny's fan, specifically, I adore Yamapi. (Ask Jim. He knows.) I'm in one of the fanclubs, so that I can get concert tickets, and was even an extra for Propose Daisakusen (though I think my scene got cut).

I've seen NewS, KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 live and will be seeing Kinki Kids (as well as KAT-TUN twice) this summer. The concerts are fun even if you're not a fan since they have high production values. To make up for the fact that they lip-sync half the songs, there are stunts, lights and things you would expect from a vegas show. If you can obtain it, the "Summary concert" (NewS and KAT-TUN combined show) from 2004 is available on DVD and probably the most entertaining of all of the shows I have seen from JE. Most of them have some sort of talent in something, though it's quite often NOT singing. They tend to have pretty amusing television shows since they've been trained not to take themselves too seriously on tv.

Pretty much once you follow one JE personality, you end up learning about all of the rest of them though since they're all interconnected. And they're always on tv. Once in a while, I also run into them on the street in the area where I live. JE is pretty much my guilty pleasure though. The other acts I like tend to be of the more serious nature, such as Kobukuro.

I have the HOT best hits album and a few other old Korean CDs from my college days. I lived by a Korean music store in college, so it was pretty easy to get into the music at the time. Once the store closed down, I didn't really follow K-pop anymore. My mom loves Korean dramas though.

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OMG the one things I've always desired of the JE fans over in Japan is those really pretty glow light/sticks they have at like Shonen Club! As for Kpop I can understand why Americans may like it more becasue they're very similar to a degree I mean look at Shinee they dress very..."hipster."

And we all have guilty pleasures, join us!

Oh what are you the staff member Jim commented that said you dragged him to a JE concert becuase if I got that all write than way to go!

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Super Junior

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Super Junior H

yup... not including the original.. already 4 sub-groups. I'd watch out for a Super Junior J D:

Yes that's true but I always have this feeling Wondergirls will go either to Japan or the US O_O

JYP is just that type of guy xD

I believe Wondergirls have A LOT of potential just need to work on those vocals.. /:

With a big group like S__D they probably will rotate (I also believe a member will be get kicked out and I think we all know which one)

@Kaki: man you must have a lot of connections! Lucky!

ah I don't know why I just can't get into JE fandom even when I was in my J-pop phase.

It's good to know there's JE fans out there though.

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OMG the one things I've always desired of the JE fans over in Japan is those really pretty glow light/sticks they have at like Shonen Club! As for Kpop I can understand why Americans may like it more becasue they're very similar to a degree I mean look at Shinee they dress very..."hipster."

And we all have guilty pleasures, join us!

Oh what are you the staff member Jim commented that said you dragged him to a JE concert becuase if I got that all write than way to go!

I never buy the merch, since there's a HUGE line for it that takes hours. My coworker makes her husband wait in line for all the stuff she wants. (Yes, even married and middle aged women love the JE here.)

That would probably be me, except for one correction. I have yet to actually get him to a concert. So far, I have just made him watch videos at my house, but it's not just of JE. The JE ones just tend to be funnier. (Such as when Utaban decides to torture them.)

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I believe the same thing happened to Jessica Ho. >__> It's sad really.

JYP has about 3 singers to debut here in the US. SE7EN is debuting his american album I believe in July? Not sure if it will really happen since he's been delaying his album for a while same goes for Rain. (though he's concentrating on the acting career first) Hec even BoA might debut here as an actress!

I'm not sure really.. Utada debuted here but yet again she didn't really have any promotion! Sure Timbaland produced her album but man I srsly saw no promotion. It's a bit sad really I didn't even see MTV air her MV. But I guess it's kind of different with K-artists? SE7EN has been promoting a lot actually.. not to mention collab with well known artists. Plus his US fans are always here to back him up. I guess we'll see when it happens, I think it's about time for America to be even more open-minded :D [don't mean to switch up the topic but J-rock is fairly popular in the US..?]

@Kaki: Isn't it fun to force your own fandom to friends? especially GUY friends 8D haha

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Well Se7en..I don't think is English is that good yet..and didn't Rain try but it didn't go anywhere..who knows maybe he'll Speedracer will give him a boost..Utada...I think alot of her fans just didn't like that sound. (As a VA girl I always go Neptunes over Timberland)...

..Look at Amerie, Korean-African American, great voice, beautiful hardly any promotion to her second album, we have to accept our own before accepting those from over seas I'm afraid...and boybands I don't ever think they'll make it over as America doesn't constantly have a taste for them where it seems Japan and Korea do.

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@Kaki: man you must have a lot of connections! Lucky!

ah I don't know why I just can't get into JE fandom even when I was in my J-pop phase.

It's good to know there's JE fans out there though.

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@kaki: really? I'm in tohoshinki's fanclub and I feel like they don't do anything! D8 (well maybe cuz I don't live in Japan ;_;) Request forms?

Connections= friends in Japan haha

I can't really do anything FC-related unless I'm a resident of Japan ;; so I have to go on auctions where they sell concert tickets for like $1000 ><

@greygula: Yeah rain tried but his debut kept getting delayed because his debut song kept getting leaked /:

2 sold out Madison Square Garden shows seem successful to me?

I didn't even know Neptunes were known back then :D man was I out of the loop back then. (heh I'd prefer neptunes too. you're from Hampton? cool I'm from Va beach)

Hmm I suppose so. We'll see ^_^

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Ah VA Beach my dad's from there..were you at AMA or are you going to Neko? Maybe we'll see each other on I64

..JYP did a anniversary tour over here too that helped Se7en some, still they could(meaning SM not JYP) could promote Isak...it sounds so horrible but a could grasp of the language works wonders..boybands I think will always have a nice internet fanbase over here..not exactly a boyband but sound wise I think One Ok Rock would do well-ish.

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@kaki: really? I'm in tohoshinki's fanclub and I feel like they don't do anything! D8 (well maybe cuz I don't live in Japan ;_:D Request forms?

Connections= friends in Japan haha

I can't really do anything FC-related unless I'm a resident of Japan ;; so I have to go on auctions where they sell concert tickets for like $1000 ><

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@kaki: really? I'm in tohoshinki's fanclub and I feel like they don't do anything! D8 (well maybe cuz I don't live in Japan ;_:D Request forms?

Connections= friends in Japan haha

I can't really do anything FC-related unless I'm a resident of Japan ;; so I have to go on auctions where they sell concert tickets for like $1000 ><

JE fanclubs are a special animal though. You can't do ANYTHING without joining the fanclub (which has a membership fee). The only way to get tickets is through the fanclubs and it's the only way to be able to see almost any of their events. Basically, you have to pay for the tickets in advance with an request form and they will refund you if you don't get selected. Most non-JE artist tickets are sold through Playbill or other ticket brokers.

I live in Japan though . . . so would that mean that I'm surrounded by connections?

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Yes it would :D...I've heard about the fan clubs..are tickets just through the clubs or do they go to club members first?
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Yes it would :D...I've heard about the fan clubs..are tickets just through the clubs or do they go to club members first?

Yes, pretty much members only. Some of the larger concerts claim they release *some* through Playbill, but these are impossible most of the time to get so it's as if it never happens.

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Ah VA Beach my dad's from there..were you at AMA or are you going to Neko? Maybe we'll see each other on I64

..JYP did a anniversary tour over here too that helped Se7en some, still they could(meaning SM not JYP) could promote Isak...it sounds so horrible but a could grasp of the language works wonders..boybands I think will always have a nice internet fanbase over here..not exactly a boyband but sound wise I think One Ok Rock would do well-ish.

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@Kaki: So to get tickets.. for example they sell the concert tickets at FamilyMart would you just go to the counter and present your Fanclub membership card that way you can get the special FC reserved seats..? or do you get the concert tickets through the FC provided website? Sorry for the questions ugh I'm such a noob ;;
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ah I see because this is the first time I hear about request forms o_o

I guess I have to go through regular ticket brokers even if I am a FC member darn ==;

Thanks a lot for your kind explanation..^^

btw I've ALWAYS wanted to ask a JE fan x: do the JE fans hate us? xDD (Tohoshinki fans)

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ah I see because this is the first time I hear about request forms o_o

I guess I have to go through regular ticket brokers even if I am a FC member darn ==;

Thanks a lot for your kind explanation..^^

btw I've ALWAYS wanted to ask a JE fan x: do the JE fans hate us? xDD (Tohoshinki fans)

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ah I see because this is the first time I hear about request forms o_o

I guess I have to go through regular ticket brokers even if I am a FC member darn ==;

Thanks a lot for your kind explanation..^^

btw I've ALWAYS wanted to ask a JE fan x: do the JE fans hate us? xDD (Tohoshinki fans)

I'm not sure how this even makes sense. O_o Considering that Tohoshinki isn't that popular in Japan yet, I doubt JE fans here even think about Tohoshinki. Sure they have a few hits, but there are plenty of other local groups that have more exposure and popularity that could potentially gather more negative attention from these fans (such as Exile). The fan types aren't even the same. Tohoshinki fans tend not to be the teeny bopper crowd here. It's not like you can't like both anyway...

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Ah VA Beach my dad's from there..were you at AMA or are you going to Neko? Maybe we'll see each other on I64

..JYP did a anniversary tour over here too that helped Se7en some, still they could(meaning SM not JYP) could promote Isak...it sounds so horrible but a could grasp of the language works wonders..boybands I think will always have a nice internet fanbase over here..not exactly a boyband but sound wise I think One Ok Rock would do well-ish.

Yeah I was at AMA on friday (that con wasn't very.. well let's just say I'm used to the bigger cons)

Yup I always go to Nekocon :) did you catch our fail of a performance "Tri-angle" at the masquerade? hahaha

I don't understand how the JYP concert helped Se7en? (Se7en is in YG Family ^_^)

Hmm a band like FT Island?

@Kaki: So to get tickets.. for example they sell the concert tickets at FamilyMart would you just go to the counter and present your Fanclub membership card that way you can get the special FC reserved seats..? or do you get the concert tickets through the FC provided website? Sorry for the questions ugh I'm such a noob ;;

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Ah VA Beach my dad's from there..were you at AMA or are you going to Neko? Maybe we'll see each other on I64

..JYP did a anniversary tour over here too that helped Se7en some, still they could(meaning SM not JYP) could promote Isak...it sounds so horrible but a could grasp of the language works wonders..boybands I think will always have a nice internet fanbase over here..not exactly a boyband but sound wise I think One Ok Rock would do well-ish.

Yeah I was at AMA on friday (that con wasn't very.. well let's just say I'm used to the bigger cons)

Yup I always go to Nekocon :) did you catch our fail of a performance "Tri-angle" at the masquerade? hahaha

I don't understand how the JYP concert helped Se7en? (Se7en is in YG Family ^_^)

Hmm a band like FT Island?

@Kaki: So to get tickets.. for example they sell the concert tickets at FamilyMart would you just go to the counter and present your Fanclub membership card that way you can get the special FC reserved seats..? or do you get the concert tickets through the FC provided website? Sorry for the questions ugh I'm such a noob ;;

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Lol I also turned in a beyond jrock and manga adaptations one...either way I'd love the help or if you get accepted I wouldn't mind helping you.

..I get most of my korea stuff via yesasia but a cheaper copy of Full House or I hear the LA concert from this year is going to be on DVD..that be cool

As for the internet boyband hates the biggest pinpoint I can lay a finger on is when Hey Say Jump beat out DBSK for the number one spot on the charts...again the internet makes everything seem so wide spread but its not.

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dbsk fans make a big deal out of everything lol x: especially when JE is in the mix if anything it's the dbsk fans who are jealous. (look whose one to talk when I myself is in that bandwagon man x_x)

I actually have no idea about that dvd I know they were talking about it on the news but still no news on where to buy it @@; I would get the full house dvd for you unfortunately we're not allowed to sell bootlegs.

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Korean magazines? For real so hard to get! The no bootleg is good but like two years ok I swear I saw bootleg DVDs in the Dealers room and bootleg plushies in a lot of dealer rooms :/

To get back on the topic of boybands..Taiwan?

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hmm I wouldn't really want to take the risk ^^;

Yeah that I definitely try to get :]

I'm not really into Taiwan boybands actually. I used to be F4 obsessed though. (I blame Meteor Garden)

I have heard of uh energy? (well negative stuff really yet again I get that from the dbsk fans o_o)

Also.. um.. Fahrenheit? I heard some of their songs they're pretty cute even though people argue about their talent @@;

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Well Fahrenheit..not so good on the singing and acting...thats a coin toss but they are great to look at ^_^

F4..I'm thinking they had to change their name...

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oh yeah ever since Hana Yori Dango drama they are now called JVKV

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Ah thats right! Sad they had to change their name..I'm not really sure if I'd call either of those groups great singers... Alan Luo..but it 3AM my time I'll come back and hit this discussion up tomorrow

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I have no clue about taiwan boybands I just know the solo taiwan singers. yeah I should go to sleep too xD

so.. fanservice anyone?

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I don't enjoy fan service from the boys :/

Alan Luo is a solo singer.

I think the F4 and Fahreint are the most famous because they have more of an idol approach like the Japanese do with staring in dramas, lots of ad campaigns, etc...where it seems the Korean boybands really stick mainly to the music even though they do some endorsements and some acting but not as often do they act like the Taiwanese and the Japanese boys.

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Lol its ok excuse my squareness..am I a fan...yes...do I create wank never..but yeah love them all though I must say I think the majority or Korean bands sound better! Like I mean JE wise I'm all for Kanjani and their funny and NEWS and there...them and V6 all the way..but man DBSK...man..Shinwha!...old school H.O.T...I've even begun to love Big Bang *points to signature*..SuJu has there fun moments but only a few are powerful singers..and lets not forgot SS501, I think Noel is defunct...and...A'ST1...and just a dash of Battle! ^_^

I love and listen to all the boy bands mentioned up above, along with a couple other ones, but I just wanted to say my definate faves are Shinhwa, DBSK, and Arashi! Super Junior is great as well!

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I don't care if it's boy bands, jrock, whatever... as long as it's good music. That said, the "boy bands" I'm into are hardly boys any more: SMAP, Lazy, Arashi, V6... I think Tulip might even fall into that catagory, although they were "boys" way back in the 70s. ^_^

By the way, what does "JE" stand for?


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I don't care if it's boy bands, jrock, whatever... as long as it's good music. That said, the "boy bands" I'm into are hardly boys any more: SMAP, Lazy, Arashi, V6... I think Tulip might even fall into that catagory, although they were "boys" way back in the 70s. ^_^

By the way, what does "JE" stand for?


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I don't enjoy fan service from the boys :/

Alan Luo is a solo singer.

I think the F4 and Fahreint are the most famous because they have more of an idol approach like the Japanese do with staring in dramas, lots of ad campaigns, etc...where it seems the Korean boybands really stick mainly to the music even though they do some endorsements and some acting but not as often do they act like the Taiwanese and the Japanese boys.

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I don't care if it's boy bands, jrock, whatever... as long as it's good music. That said, the "boy bands" I'm into are hardly boys any more: SMAP, Lazy, Arashi, V6... I think Tulip might even fall into that catagory, although they were "boys" way back in the 70s. ;)

By the way, what does "JE" stand for?


Johnny's Entertainment. The agency responsible for Go Hiromi, Kondo Masahiko, Shonentai, Hikaru Genji, Otokogumi, SMAP, Tokio, V6, Kinki Kids, Arashi, NewS, KanJani8, KAT-TUN, Tackey and Tsubasa, Hey Say Jump and pretty much all of the major boy bands here in Japan. (They even discovered Sorimachi Takashi and one of the kids in AAA) This agency pretty much runs the Japanese entertainment industry. No two Johnny's television show scan run against each other and the industry is forbidden from posting JE pics on the internet. They boys are all paid on a meager salary basis, though the salary goes up as you gain status within the agency. While you're guaranteed fame and status as a Johnny's, it's no secret that they live a really hard life.

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Lol its ok excuse my squareness..am I a fan...yes...do I create wank never..but yeah love them all though I must say I think the majority or Korean bands sound better! Like I mean JE wise I'm all for Kanjani and their funny and NEWS and there...them and V6 all the way..but man DBSK...man..Shinwha!...old school H.O.T...I've even begun to love Big Bang *points to signature*..SuJu has there fun moments but only a few are powerful singers..and lets not forgot SS501, I think Noel is defunct...and...A'ST1...and just a dash of Battle! :(

I love and listen to all the boy bands mentioned up above, along with a couple other ones, but I just wanted to say my definate faves are Shinhwa, DBSK, and Arashi! Super Junior is great as well!

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